Saturday, May 23, 2020

Dumbest Things People Feared As Kids

Someone on AskReddit got a fun thread going that really takes us back. Yes, we're looking at the dumbest fears that various folks had as kids. Maybe some of those fears have been carried on into adulthood. There's no telling what the overactive, vivid imagination of a kid will dream up. From there it can be a real minefield of various, competing fears. 


White - YourHostBett110 • 6h The "shark" in the pool.


Text - CinnaSol • 6h I was afraid Chucky would crawl up from the toilet while I was pooping and stab me in the butt. I have no idea why I thought this would happen. Also doorway gremlins. Legit was afraid I would walk through a door and there would be gremlin monsters on the other side at the top waiting to pounce on me and kill me. Again, no idea why I thought this would happen.


Text - TinyTimsTummy • 7h The man at the bottom of the stairs. I've never seen his spooky ass, but I know he chases me up every time.


Text - LittlexPanxPerson • 6h The best friend of my dad... honestly he is such a funny, amazing and nice person and I was literally crying and screaming while running away


Text - anxietymeds • 7h Flushing the toilet at night. It seemed so loud and would literally freak me out


Text - -EDGAR- • 6h Balloons. Specifically, balloons popping. When I was really young my dad popped one neear my face as a joke, but it really traumatized me. I hated going to birthday parties because there were always games where you had to pop a balloon in some form. I eventually grew out of it, but even now at 32 I still feel a bit uneasy when I hear that sound.


Text - postmoderngeisha • 6h The time before I was old enough to realize I was too large to be sucked down the bathtub drain.


Text - Useless-Assassin • 7h Small soldiers, I remember having nightmares after I watched that film.


Text - BigMoe52 · 5h The Heffalumps and Woozles song from Winnie the Pooh


Text - Excluded_Apple • 5h I was very anxious about eating soup. I thought we had a stomach-like compartment for solids, and a separate one for liquids. The solids were processed by the body and became poop; the liquids were processed and became urine. Two complete systems independent of each other. If food or drink went where it wasn't meant to go, the person would cough and splutter to give the body a chance to move it to the appropriate receptacle - hence the concerned parent saying "oops, wr


White - baburao88 • 6h Pressure cookers


Text - I used to have a recurring nightmare about a 'vampire parrot' that we kept as a pet for some reason. In my dream, it was a family pet, and we just kept him in a cage, hanging from the ceiling in the hall. It was just a regular-looking parrot, totally unassuming. My family believed it was just a cute, feathery, colorful critter. But nobody else realized; it would feed on me, when they couldn't see it. It would steal my blood. When I cried to my parents, they refused to believe me. Nobody b


White - Polermodz • 7h The. Vacuum. Cleaner.


Text - zsirdagadek • 7h God hearing me swearing. Sometimes I would hide in the closet from God and just chanted for a while all the bad words I have learnt from the older kids.


Text - michael2633• 4h automatic stairs. i thought if i wouldn't jump in time i would be traped and crushed.


Text - Duckdexx • 7h The old lady with the gun from Ratatouille


Text - Rainman-27 • 6h You know the sound a dove and pigeon makes? I use to think they were ghosts. I thought my parents were lying to me about it being birds. I would run back into the house if I heard one sing...


White - JekPorkinslnMemoriam • 7h Santa Claus


Text - AzureWing10 • 6h The red lights from cell towers. The always looked so scary at night


Text - StrawberryR • 6h I was afraid of grass for a long time, but particularly male clover. I don't know why. Edit: Can't find a picture of male clover, but they were thin strands of bumps with like, little seeds you could rip off effortlessly. Not harmful plants at all.


Text - avilsta • 5h So, when I was kid I was absolutely sure I put this green pea snap on a table and saw it crawling. I refused to eat it, thinking it was a bag of bugs pretending to be dead so you would be tricked to eat it (yes, 4 year old me was dumb). It was when I was in my teens that I found out my old nanny brought me to her boyfriend's place when my parents were out, and while they would do it next door, they would give some kind of medicine to knock me out - apparently, I picked up a p


Text - SANZWatchman • 6h Tapeworms.. As a child I asked my parents why it was so itchy down there, after learning the horrific truth I was so terrified that I held in a mega-duce for hours! The most painful screening of Air Force One I have ever had the displeasure of enduring.


Text - Isie97 • 7h When I lock the toilett cabine it won't open anymore and I have to stay there forever. Haven't done it until middleschool and yes that leads to many embarassing moments.


Text - ThatKiwiBro • 5h Quicksand. I thought it was going to be a huge problem. I used to avoid soft mushy mud. I've yet to quickly sink in sand.


Text - wewillwewont • 6h Land sharks. Sharks dont walk around the beach at night.


Text - TheDude4pee• 6h Ducks. Still am cuz i got bit on my left nut as a kid.


Text - shysugardream • 3h Probably will get buried but the game over screens from Snood for the Gameboy Advance used to freak me out, looking at it now it still makes me slightly uncomfortable.


Text - imperfectgoddess • 1h I'm over 50 and to this day never ever dangle any of my limbs over the edge of the bed because I am convinced something evil lives under the bed, and no matter where l've lived. This has been the case since I was 5 and not only watched the evil doll episode in "Trilogy of Terror," but also was terrified by the tiny people who lived in the walls in 1973's "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark."


Text - Trying TolmproveO • 5h May sound crazy but I've always been scared of pears, I don't know what it is but I can't be around one because every time I am I pretty much am guranteed to shit my pants. Family picnics are fun.


Text - Cali_dreamin24• 2h When I was younger (maybe 10?), I was talking shit on runescape and somebody said they reported me. I turned off the PC, the Internet and disconnected my phone. I was scared there'd be cops at the door.

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