Monday, May 11, 2020

Company Overhears Employee Roleplaying with Lunch

Usually embarrassing unmuted moments like this come from when someone is badmouthing the CEO, but this person was just being weird while eating food. Hopefully things end up okay. Sometimes we get ourselves into some embarrassing ad stupid situations, like this guy who thought a date was a job interview.


Text - O r/tifu - Posted by u/I_Ate_That_Food 4 days ago 2 3 F2 S TIFU by forgetting I wasn't muted during a Zoom meeting when I ate my lunch, causing irreversible harm to my reputation. (I talk to my food when I eat it.) ΠΌ I have been working from home recently (obviously), and I am pretty fortunate because basically there is no function of my job I need to be in the office for. But I have let some bad habits seep in.


Text - I'm sure anyone in an office knows that like 80% of the meetings you attend could probably just be an email. But since we are meeting via Zoom, and since a lot of people don't even enable video, if I am in a meeting I know isn't important and where I probably won't even have to speak, I just mute myself and go sit on the sofa and play a video game on mute or browse the internet or whatever. Or eat lunch.


Text - I have an odd quirk that I do when I eat by myself. I talk to my food and to myself. On the day in question my lunch I had a sandwich and some pita chips with hummus. So, for example, I said something like "Mmmmm, there's hummus among us!" Or when I had a chip I would say things like "That's what I call a chip!" or "Welcome to my Mouth, Mr. Pita!" And the sandwich, I pretended it insulted me, so I was like "Did you just call me a bitch? Hooo boy, you just buttered the wrong biscuit. NOM N


Text - I wasn't really listening to what was happening in the meeting, but finally I heard my name a few times. To my horror, I had not muted my mic. They heard it all. My Manager was saying rather curtly, "Can you please mute yourself?" Some people were laughing. I mumbled an apology and muted myself. I got a stern message from him later saying I should wait for lunch until after a meeting, and if i had to eat during a meeting, mute myself.


Text - In our Slack channels people are making fun of for talking to my food. But it is clear, they think I am insane. In the eyes of my Manager I have lost all stature, and in the eyes of my co-workers I am a lunatic. This could have negative effects on my career. I am actually thinking of quitting tomorrow. TL;DR - I didn't mute myself during a Zoom meeting and my boss and co-workers heard me talking to my food.

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