Thursday, April 2, 2020

Woman Fools Herself Into A Pregnancy Scare

A valuable lesson in slowing down, rereading information, and especially rereading information when it concerns whether or not you might be pregnant. It sounds like this woman's racing mind leapt ahead to an imagined future where she was pregnant, and the misinformation flowed from there. If she'd slowed it all down, maybe double-checked what the test was saying, or taken another one, then maybe the panic could have been subdued. 


Text - TIFU by accidentally April Fooling myself Today I (20F) fucked up. I took a pregnancy test. I checked the results and compared them to the examples/instructions online and saw that I was pregnant. I told my boyfriend and we both agreed that an abortion was the most responsible course of action given many reasons. I was panicking/ crying while calling different doctors offices to see who would see me and what insurance would


Text - cover. They wouldn't cover any of it so l'd have to pay $800 out of pocket for the pills and it'd take 3 doctors visits. I knew I wouldn't be able to goto the clinic that's an hour away 3 times in one week to do it privately without my anti abortion family knowing because of the pandemic lock down. I was up front and told my mom what was happening and she said she didn't support it but she wouldn't kick me out. She told my step dad and my boyfriend proceeded to tell his group chat the new


Text - by the picture and said that it was negative, not positive. So I went and found the paper instructions. Which was the exact opposite of the information online so the test was actually negative. Needless to say everyone was relieved by the good news and I have finally stopped panic crying.


Text - TL;DR My emotional, panicking, dumbass read the wrong result instructions and thought I was pregnant resulting in lots of doctor calls, telling my antiabortion family I was going to get one, and my boyfriend telling his friends he wasn't sterile. I April foolsed myself. *edit: I have been consistently taking the pill since 2018. Only breaks are a week long for a period, no period happened this time (common if on the pill for an extended period of time) hence test. *edit 2.0: no I didn't c

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