Thursday, April 2, 2020

Painfully Relatable Awkward Moments

There seem to be those awkward moments that are just so damn common, but for some reason we can't get used to. We've tried to forget about those little moments like when you can't tell listening to you at a party, or that weird smile everyone does when you've already said hi. For some pristine awkwardness, here are some of people's weird first dates and awkward high school reunions.


Text - hirnfleisch 59 points · 2 hours ago · edited 38 minutes ago When you are videochatting, start talking and because of the delay you interrupt each other all the time. Stop talking, start again, interrupt the other one, stop talking.. Never ending story.


Text - california_chrome 8.9k points · 3 hours ago 3 2 When you're having a conversation with someone and you don't hear what they say so you ask them to repeat and they do. But you still don't hear it and ask them to repeat again and they do. And you still don't know what they said. Do you ask them to repeat again (and maybe still not hear it)? Pretend you heard it and nod your head and hope it's an appropriate response? Stab yourself in the eye with a pen to create a diversion and change the s


Text - aSadGirlsTongue 10.4k points · 3 hours ago When you start to tell a story in a group but in middle of sentence realize that no one is actually listening and ever so slowly you get quiet and hope no one took notice.


Text - CammyMM 10.2k points · 4 hours ago 3 When you're walking past coworker and you've already said hello earlier. Everyone's making that weird flat smile.


Text - ladies-pmme-nudespls 5.8k points · 3 hours ago When you think someone waves at you so you wave back, but they were waving at someone behind you.


Text - Dominoodles 4.9k points · 2 hours ago When you're finishing up at the checkout and the cashier puts the notes on top of the receipt and then coins on top of that. Then the next person steps up and you're fumbling, trying to disassemble the stack in your hand, gather your shopping, say thanks and move away at the same time.


Text - afrocircus6969 2.9k points · 3 hours ago Standing there while two people talk about something you don't know about


Text - heapsgoodyes 2.3k points · 2 hours ago Watching a sex scene with your parents.


Text - wapkaleem 1.5k points · 2 hours ago The fake smile on your face when you receive a terrible gift. TannedCroissant 417 points · 1 hour ago "Oh cool.... another mug.... I've been after some more of these.. oh and look, it's got minions on it... thanks Auntie Karen"


Text - -EDGAR- 1.3k points · 3 hours ago When you're next in line at the grocery store with your mom and she leaves you to "just get one more thing" and the anxiety and awkwardness builds because you're up and she's nowhere to be found.


Text - praddi10 1.1k points · 3 hours ago When your mom leaves you with some distant relatives whom you have never met.


Text - StillNOtATony 1.0k points · 1 hour ago Ever drag your shoe across a tile floor and have it make a loud, wet, fart sound, so everyone in the room looks at you? Then you insist it was your shoe and try to make the sound again, but nothing happens? Yeah, that.


Text - TheCobras 874 points · 2 hours ago When you reply to a stranger who says hello, but then realize they were on the phone and not speaking to you. Happened to me just yesterday and I didn't get any sleep last night as I couldn't stop reliving the moment.


Text - TheBassMeister 609 points · 2 hours ago Being at a friends house as a kid and the friend's mother starts yelling at your friend. Being at a friends house as a kid and the friend's father walks in only wearing underwear.


Text - Ells_Bells1 567 points · 2 hours ago When you've had multiple interactions with someone but you can't remember their name but it's gone too far to admit you've forgotten it so you just have to call them love or mate forever.


Text - Sirnando138 142 points · 2 hours ago When the server brings your food and says "enjoy your food" and starts walking away and you say back, “you too".


Text - katyisanut 136 points · 2 hours ago Walking through a doorway only to catch your clothes on the handle and have it slingshot you backwards.


Text - PM_THE_REAPER 64 points · 1 hour ago Go to wash your hands and the water comes out at a thousand miles an hour, splashing your crotch. You are of course, at work.

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