Thursday, April 2, 2020

Mom Hammers Lying Lady And Corrupt Cop Boyfriend

Being in a car accident is stressful enough. Throw on some fraudulent accident reports and you've got yourself a legal nightmare that this mom handled like a beast. For another tale of satisfying revenge, here is an entitled neighbor who chopped down a tree that ended up costing 700 K.


Text - Text - U r/ProRevenge · Posted by u/alex567890101 10 hours ago Woman Damages my Mom's Car and Blames my Mom. Her Corrupt Cop Boyfriend Covers it Up and Ruins Both of Their Reputations I don't know if this counts as Pro Revenge or not but I thought it was pretty funny and they got what they deserved. This post is super long so I have a TLDR at the end. For some background, I live in a predominantly white suburban town in New Jersey and my family is Asian. Although the town is alright for t


Text - Text - A couple of years ago, my mom went to visit one of her friends on the other side of town. My mom had parallel parked directly in front of her friend's house which is at the bottom of a small hill. As she was leaving, a woman driving a Jeep Wrangler with her children was driving down the small hill, but she was still a decent distance back, so my mom pulled out of her spot. The road they were on was really wide, with enough space to fit 5 cars next to one another, and about 40 feet


Text - Text - As soon as she stepped out of her car, this woman (we'll call her Karen) immediately starts cursing my mom out at the top of her lungs. Karen told my mom to call the police, but my mom told her that her phone had died. My mom's friend and her son, as well as the neighbor, came out of the house after hearing the commotion to see what had happened. The neighbor, an elderly man, asked what happened and Karen yelled "Are you f*cking blind? A f*cking accident happened! Go call the polic


Text - Text - As it turns out, the boyfriend (we'll call him Sam) was a cop in the town who was pretty popular with the kids in the middle schools since he would occasionally visit to talk about things like DARE and other things in assemblies. Sam was off duty at the time, so he was able to come over when Karen called him. As soon as Kenny saw his bud Sam, he immediately went to go talk with him rather than with my mom or with Karen. They discuss for a little while and afterward sent everyone on


Text - Text - When my mom receives the police report, she saw that it said that she pulled out without using her blinkers suddenly and hit Karen's car. On top of that, Karen was expecting for my mom's insurance to pay for the damage done to her rear wheel. My mom went to my neighbor Anthony to ask what she should do about the report since it was clearly wrong. Anthony was furious and told her that she should go to the police station and ask to see the chief and if they ask why she needs to see h


Text - After presenting the evidence to show that it was in fact Karen that hit her instead of the other way around, my mom also says that she would like to file a corruption complaint against both Kenny and Sam. Kenny clearly did not do his job properly since he did not properly ask the actual people involved in the accident and did not even note the fact that there were 2 passengers in Karen's car in the report. (Even Karen later admitted to an investigator that Kenny never once spoke to her).


Text - Meanwhile, my mom also filed a claim to her insurance and presented the evidence to them too, and her insurance decides since the accident (in their eyes) was clearly not her fault, they weren't going to pay Karen a penny and that they would contact Karen's insurance to pay my mom instead. A lot of internal bureaucratic investigational bullsh*t happens including interviews with Karen, my mom's friend, and the friend's neighbor. About a month passed and an officer comes to our house to tel


Text - This is the fun part. Three days after the officer came to our door, a letter came in the mail for a court hearing. Turns out, Karen decided to file three tickets about my mom just ONE DAY before the statute of limitations. Apparently, in NJ, citizens are allowed to file complaints about other citizens breaking the law (a thing that our family had never heard of before until this happened) and because of how late she filed these complaints, by the time we received them in the mail, we cou


Text - Within a day, my mom hired a lawyer to fight the case and they immediately asked to change the court from the small court in our town to one of the large courts a couple of towns away. The logic was that if she fought the case in our town, my mom would be at a disadvantage since her case was essentially going against our town's beloved police force, but by putting it in a different town, the playing field would be even. Additionally, while my mom worked from home in her own business, Kare


Text - Text - That was a pretty nice win, but what came after was even better. Since my mother and sister have a lot of friends in town, the story of Karen and Sam doing this shady bullcrap got out really fast. Soon, half the town had heard about it, and suddenly Karen and Sam went from two favorites in the town because of Sam's reputation to two of the most underhanded and nasty people. Sam stopped getting invited to school assemblies and Karen was ostracized in her kids' school's PTA. Anthony


Text - Text - TLDR: A woman cut off my mom, damaged her car, and had her cop boyfriend try to cover it up. My mom fought back and got one of the cops punished and the woman didn't get anything out of it. The woman filed a complaint just before the statute of limitations so my mom couldn't counter it. My mom decided to take it to court, had the case thrown out because the woman never showed up, and then proceeded to tell a bunch of people in the town about what happened. Soon half the town found

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Tagged: WoW , Battle , liar , revenge , accident , legal , cars , story , illegal , mom , win , law

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