Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Woman Details Her Chickens' Charming Lesbian Relationship

What started as a quarantine buddy with a silly name developed into a hen relationship. If only love stories in our own lives could be so straightforward. For some more stuff about animals, here's a funny list of all the animals one Tumblr user's grandpa brought home.


Adaptation - Amanda Brunton @Amand... · 19h This is Domino. She's a hen we rescued. She wants to lay an egg, but has to keep stopping in order to SCREAM AT THE WIND every time there's a big gust. Life as a chicken is very complicated sometimes. 2,523 views 27 30 160


Text - Amanda Brunton @Amand. 10h v Just over a year ago, our neighbours asked me if I was missing a chicken, because one had been spotted on the meadow outside our house (I was not missing a hen). About 6 weeks later someone caught the hen and brought her to me, assuming she was mine (she was not). 76 27 53 256 Amanda Brunton @Amand.. · 10h She was very thin and weak so I brought her indoors and set about finding her owner. She clearly loved being around people and we assumed she was a pet. We


Text - Amanda Brunton @Amand.. 10h v New hens have to be quarantined, preferably with a quarantine buddy. That way, if they have recovered from something infectious but remain a carrier, you'll find out when the other bird gets sick. I learned some carpentry and made her a coop, and bought her a new friend. 27 5 145 Amanda Brunton @Amand.. · 10h v The big grey bird is a bantam Brahma - full size brahmas are HUGE. They are gentle giants though, and we figured that a big bird would defend Domino,


Text - Amanda Brunton @Amand. · 10h v Domino wasn't delighted with losing her heated towel rail privileges or sharing her new palace with a stranger, but the two hens quickly became best buds. A few weeks later and with neither bird sick, they were ready to start being introduced to my other girls. 2 106 Amanda Brunton @Amandy. · 9h To start, we moved the quarantine coop close to the other birds so they could see each other, but not touch before letting them spend time together. This is Cleo, on


Chicken - Amanda Brunton @Amandycat Replying to @Amandycat @notanastronomer and 3 others They went straight for each others faces, bit off a chunk of each others' combs and there was BLOOD EVERYWHERE. This is her 'I'm not locked in here with you. YOU'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME' face. This is also the point at which I started to wonder wtf I had brought upon myself 2:12 · 26 Feb 20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Amanda Brunton @Amand.. 10h We EVENTUALLY got Domino to calm tf down by supervising short visits with the other girls and gradually increasing the amount of time she spent with them. She's half the size of my other birds but was not satisfied until she was officially head of the pecking order. 27 102 Amanda Brunton @Amandycat Replying to @Amandycat @notanastronomer and 3 others Meanwhile Michelle, the freaking ENORMOUS bird we brought in to 'protect' the sweet little bantam we adopted (ha


Text - Amanda Brunton @Amandy... · 9h v Replying to @Amandycat @notanastronomer and 3 others Domino now HUSTLES RIGHT IN THERE if the other birds are giving her big dumb friend any trouble. They go to sleep at night separate to the other chickens, all snuggled up together, usually with one tucked under the other's wing. 274 ♡ 178 Amanda Brunton @Amandy... · 9h v The other thing I have noticed is that if I bring in any treats and Michelle is too timid to get a look in, Domino goes and grabs some,


Text - Amanda Brunton @Amandycat Replying to @Amandycat @notanastronomer and 3 others I mentioned this to the breeder that I bought Michelle from recently, and she says she's only ever seen this behaviour as something roosters do for their favourite hen. So basically, I've had adorable little chicken-y lesbians in my back garden the whole time and I DIDN'T REALISE 2:21 · 26 Feb 20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Amanda Brunton @Amandy.. ·9h v Replying to @Amandycat @notanastronomer and 3 others (I am the worst chicken parent) 27 90 Amanda Brunton @Amandy... · 9h So anyway, we have had Domino and Michelle for just a smidgen over a year now. Domino has calmed down enough that she is no longer a feathery little ball of rage *all* the time, though windy days bring out the worst in her. Michelle is adorable scaredy/cat goofball. THE END 180


Egg - Amanda Brunton @Amandycat Replying to @Amandycat @notanastronomer and 3 others Postscript, since everyone loves Domino and Michelle: Michelle has laid two, TWO eggs in the year we have had her. Laying eggs is over-rated. Domino lays green (!) eggs like a feathery little machine gun and then goes broody and turns into a small angry dinosaur.


Text - Amanda Brunton @Amandycat Replying to @Amandycat @notanastronomer and 3 others We don't have any roosters, so letting a hen stay broody is bad for her - she will sit on the eggs, barely eating or drinking, waiting for them to hatch until they go rotten. Hence, we have 'chicken jail' (pictured, one of Michelle's two eggs with a blue one from my legbars)


Text - Amanda Brunton @Amandy... · 9h v Why is Michelle in chicken jail you ask? We send Domino there to keep her off the nest and get her out of her broody fit ASAP. If you don't put Michelle in with her, they both go nuts squawking and throwing themselves at the bars, trying to get back together again. 27 1 141 Amanda Brunton @Amandycat Replying to @Amandycat @notanastronomer and 3 others Michelle spends a LOT of summertime incarcerated along with her broody girlfriend e 2:38 · 26 Feb 20 · Twi

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