Monday, April 27, 2020

Weirdest Things Parents Caught Their Kids Doing

Kids are just chaos. You never know what a kid is apt to say or do. They're wildly unpredictable, and prone toward spewing absolute, hilarious nonsense. These moments that parents caught their kids doing bizarre things are something else. Wonder what that one kid was talking to in the sink. 


Text - chargedunicornpeach • 16h When my son was about 4 he was playing in his playroom. I was on the couch and heard some sounds behind me (it was just us). So I turn and see my son looking up at the light fixtures and whispering. I ask what hes doing. His response: I'm asking all the lightbulbs in the house to not fall and kill you. Thanks son! He's truly got my back.


Text - Bhavana1234• 17h My son licked my toe. I asked him what he was doing, and he said " time traveling." He was three


Text - taikalainen • 17h Found my kid talking to the hole in the sink when he was 2. Turns out that's where he said god lives. Carry on, ya weirdo. Ex's eldest hoarded cardboard tubes. If asked they were simply for later. The youngest adopted and formed a strong emotional bond with a garlic for about a week.


Text - Goose_Season • 16h When my son was first learning to talk my mom kept saying "Just wait until he learns to say no!" Like, really building up the anticipation. Well, I open my eyes one morning to my beloved child, 3 inches from my face and staring at me. As soon as he sees I'm awake, he loudly and dramatically whispers "NO". I still feel like he was letting me know that whole phase had started


Text - NinaBanina22• 19h My boys share a room. They were about 2 and 7 at the time and I walked in their room and found them rocking on their hands and knees singing "we aaaaaaareeeee the weeeeeeeeeeeeiner doooogs". I have no fucking idea.


Text - StuShepherd • 21h Packing peas from our garden up her nose. This required a trip to the local hospital emergency room, where the doctor (a dad of several young children himself) thought it was hilariously funny. Soon my wife and I were laughing as well.


Text - darkpixie1 • 22h S 2 Awards When my son was about 3 years old, he liked to wash his eyebrows with my facial cleanser. Just the eyebrows. Wet, lather, rinse, repeat. He said it made them nice and soft.


Text - rebekahah • 19h My mom caught me bringing eggs from the kitchen into my room and sitting on them in a blanket nest, hoping they'd hatch. What she didn't catch was that I had been doing this for a while and would put the eggs back into the fridge when they wouldn't hatch after a few days.


Text - KiuDaso • 18h When my daughter was little, old ladies would come over and enthusiastically ask her simple questions. Like "what's your name?" And she would always reply in flat monotone "Birth-day-Cake". Then they'd ask another question like "Oh, well, how old are you?" And she'd say "Birth-day-Cake". They would look over at us with great concern. So annoying.


Text - Text - Gtrinker • 19h Let's see, my daughter was drinking strawberry milk and then spitting it back into the cup so she could drink it again. I had hosed off a tarp and it was drying on the patio, we went outside and she just stooped down and took a drink out of a puddle on the tarp. just today I was in the garage and she came out, instantly grabbed a toothbrush I use to clean car parts and stuck it in her mouth. I don't even know anymore.


Text - Compulsive-Gremlin • 20h I woke up to my five year old spraying windex on the window beside my bed, cleaning it thoroughly, then nodding at me and moving on to cleaning the windows in the next room. I still don't know what the hell was happening.


Text - MotorizedDoucheCanoe • 21h S 1 Award Caught my 2 year old son licking the floor. He seemed really into it.


Text - Text - DobbylsMyHero • 17h Few years ago the "cinnamon challenge" was a thing. Walked in the door to my son with his head under the kitchen faucet gulping and spitting water. He accidentally grabbed the cumin instead of the cinnamon.


Text - Text - LaurenLumos • 19h When my brother-in-law was three he was so obsessed with the toilet plunger they had to buy him his own so he'd stop grabbing the used one. It was his best friend.


Text - Text - RigobertaMenchu • 21h 1 Award I saw my kid, who was 4, in the back yard looking for bugs or worms. He grab something and put it in his mouth. I asked him about a few minutes later. He said he ate a worm. I laughed and asked why. He said he wanted to know what it tasted like. So I asked what did it taste like. He said it tasted like mud. The next day I asked him if he really ate a worm. He replied "Yea" in the most defeated and embaressed way any human could. Ya live, ya learn eh.


Text - Text - djsantadad • 21h 1 Award My 3 year olds first joke was "hey look at my armpit" and she would point at her armpit and laugh. She would do this over and over. They warn you about first steps and first words but first joke? I am a proud dad.


Text - Text - R1Ppaulwalker • 20h Not a parent, but my little sister used to do pretty weird stuff. She used to lay over the side of the couch so her head was upside-down and drool spit down her face until it filled her nose. She said that it would go through her nose back into her mouth like a circle.


Text - Text - Stabfacenotback • 22h Upon hearing that my pre teen daughter tried to "escape" home via her bedroom window, I spoke up to her. I showed her how easy it is to just walk out the front door.


Text - Text - barely-famous • 18h My mother was horrified at the many drawings of coffins floating down rivers I made for her in preschool. She literally cried at the thought a child could do something so morbid. I only drew them because my mom and I watched a magic show on TV a few weeks prior that was so cool to me at the time - the magician locked himself in a coffin and went over a waterfall and came out at the end perfectly unharmed! I didn't get why she was so upset at something so amazing


Text - Text - lightjim • 18h I was the son. When I was about 7 years old I started to develop an interest in ants. So l came up with the idea of having an "ant farm." I got a shovel and took the sod out of my backyard in a circle around 4 ft in diameter. I would dig little holes in this plot to reveal and confirm that there were indeed ants there. Upon discovering the ants I would get the sort of bricks that had holes in them, and plant them in the ground so the ants had a "place to live." I the


Text - Old-Mac-Donald-Trump • 22h My mother caught me licking butter from the box. Still remember the look of absolute horror on her face.

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