Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Customer Turns the Tables on Demanding Karen

The wild Karen roams its hunting ground of the grocery store, stalking its prey, the customer service representative. The thing some Karens don't understand is that while employees are often beholden to their demands, other customers can be just as rude right back. For more Karen stories, here's a Karen that lied to a restaurant owner's face as well as a toilet paper hoarding Karen.


Text - r/IDontWorkHerelady · Posted by u/HCA2001 12 hours ago Ever Wonder What Would Happen If Karen Gets Treated As If She Works There...Wonder No More XXXL This happened just a few hours ago. Some background information; A certain grocery store chain in my state, where shopping is a pleasure, has taken the recommended 6 foot distance to another level by turning aisles into alternating one ways to help traffic flow, indicated by squares glued on the tile floors. Most times, when someone goes do


Text - I went to the store today to get some things and because I've been cooped up in the apartment all day long. One of said things was my favorite body scrub (hey, I could use a spa day as much as the next girl). Most times shopping there is a pleasure like their motto says. I was greeted by name by some of the regular workers who know me and they had most of everything I needed. They even had my favorite type of cheesecake on sale in the bakery. So why do I say that it wasn't a pleasure this


Text - I felt bad for that poor employee but went on my way because I didn't want to get involved and potentially make that poor employee's day worse. So I was going the right way down the Personal Care Aisle and I didn't see the scrub so I decided to keep going and try another day...I was at the other end and had stepped out when I realized I had just walked *right* past the location where the scrub was. Because it was right at the very end and I didn't want to walk down another aisle and go th


Text - I was putting a tub of it into my cart, thinking that it was the end of it when I heard a loud whistle. It wasn't just any type of whistle. It's the whistle guys use in movies to hail taxi cabs and moms use when their kids are three blocks away to tell them to get home otherwise they're in trouble. So of course I turn over to look at where the whistle had come from..and ooh boy did I realize my mistake. Blocking the end of the aisle with her overflowing cart was our Karen...think business


Text - She pointed to the floor tile marked "Wrong Way" and said (okay, more screeched) "You went the wrong way...don't you know that there's a sickness going around that'll kill you?!" As fierce as my Scots-Irish-German temper can be...I decided to have a little bit of fun at her expense because why the hell not. A big smile crosses my face as I put on my best Scarlett O'Hara imitation (because, again, why the hell not). "Oh, thank goodness honey! I am so glad to see you! I was wondering if you


Text - Now because I'm treating her like an employee (something she most likely wasn't expecting), Karen is looking at me like I have three heads and a deep redness is crawling over her face. Figuring she was going to blow her top, I said "Now, would you *please* hurry and get me what I've asked you for? Or do we need to have a talk with your manager about your lack of courtesy?" Karen spluttered, finally regaining her speech. "What in your right mind makes you think I *work* here?!" Now I reall


Text - Everyone is giving judgmental looks at the Karen (as I said, nobody has pointed out when people go the wrong way out of courtesy and it's really nobody's business) and my employee friends are struggling to keep from laughing. Realizing that she has been made a fool of in front of everyone...Karen grabbed her cart and left, her head down and proverbial tail between her legs. As she was leaving, someone in the group said "About time someone shut up that old bat!" Cue everyone breaking into

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