Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Update: '[My] friend wants use me as her backup ATM': Traveller tells friend she's only bringing $300 on Caribbean vacation, friend takes internet's advice to avoid paying extra

While planning a vacation for two, this woman had no idea her friend would suddenly expect her to foot the bill. That's not how travelling with friends works — everyone has to pay their own share, unless you plan on a different way to split the costs that everyone can agree on. Even many couples will divide the cost of travel among the two of them to ensure both people pitch in. After all, travel isn't cheap, once the costs of hotels, flights, car rentals, food, and more, are all added together. 

This person told the story of their friend, who wanted to go on vacation while sticking to a very strict budget. As u/DontAskMeChit writes, their friend told them up front that they were going to bring just $300 in cash on a five day Caribbean vacation. It's great to set a budget to stick to each day of the trip, but this friend had no backup plan whatsoever. Instead, she announced to her travel buddy that when her funds dried up, she'd turn to her for financial support. 

The OP was irritated "to no end" with that, and they turned to Reddit for help. It seems like they read some advice that commenters left, and added an update a month later. Thanks to the Redditors' quick thinking, the OP was able to protect their money, and still have a pretty good vacation with their friend (who did get a bit sulky). 

Check out the post and update below. Then, read these interviewee's accounts of what happened when they spotted red flags during job interviews

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