Tuesday, August 22, 2023

'I hid them!': Shopper finds stashed item and adds it to their cart, prompting confrontation with another shopper laying claim

People will go to any length and make every attempt to turn even the most petty situations to their advantage. Just a single trip to any busy parking lot will show you this, with desperate drivers doing anything in their power to secure a spot, even getting their passengers to jump out of the vehicle to stand in front of it and (hopefully) prevent anyone from getting there first, whilst engaging in outrageous displays of behavior from within the safety of their oversized vehicles. Of course, once they've parked and exited their vehicle, they timidly slink away, avoiding eye contact with the person they were vying for the spot with and now void of the bravado they so-recently displayed.

In this dog-eat-dog world, it's even the same in stores, with shoppers infamously battling each other over limited-availability collectibles and deals on electronics. Heck, even toilet paper was ever-so-recently and infamously the target of mass-buying panic.

This shopper found a mysteriously misplaced bag of frozen soup dumplings at Costco that they had been previously unable to find in the proper place. As they were securing the bag, another shopper approached them, claiming that she was saving the bag and had placed it in its hidden location. The shopper refused to give the dumplings back to her and purchased them, leading the woman to call the shopper a jerk. 

The shopper has now turned to a popular online community to see if they really were the jerk for taking the bag. See their account of events below and the responses that were shared in the original thread where it was posted.

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