Saturday, July 8, 2023

'I was fed up': Gaggle of Karens harangue sandwich shop workers; jaded employee buys their meal for themselves and literally eats their lunch

The most insulting thing you can do to another kid in grade school is eat their lunch. You reach over, belligerently grab their sandwich, and take a bite right in front of them just to prove that you have power over them– Countries have gone to war over less. In this case, one sandwich shop employee did the unthinkable and took the ultimate sandwich-revenge when a group of Karens pushed him over the edge.  It was just a normal day at the shop when a group of angry older women strolled in to cause a stink. With four extremely specific sandwich orders and constant nagging to the assembly line crew, the women began to harangue and harass the workers for 'doing it wrong' and 'not making their food fast enough'. That's when OP, the most jaded worker in the shop that day, found that the only way to get revenge for their disgusting behavior was to insult them beyond recovery by eating their dang lunch. Scroll for the entire story of how one employee got four fresh sandwiches, a police inquisition, and sweet, sweet revenge on some Karens.  For more workplace insanity, check out this tale of a worker who got fired for injuring his shoulder and taking disability leave.

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