Sunday, May 14, 2023

‘My boss gave the new hire my promotion, so I quit’: Employee quits after being denied promotion; VP fires new hire, demands employee be reinstated

It's ironic how few effective management skills are on display in some "managers" and how leadership abilities are systematically all ranging about the same average, which is a big, fat zero. Managers love a good buzzword, but action orientation is not their strong suit. In this case, OP was working as a top-producing salesperson, in charge of training several salespeople and getting their numbers up, which OP did well. An opportunity for a promotion popped up, and OP thought they had the experience as well as the skills needed for the new position. Unfortunately, his general manager ended up giving the promotion to someone who had no experience in the sales field whatsoever.

OP's manager then told OP he was going to introduce him to his new boss. OP was in a state of fury and dismay, at a loss for why his boss would give someone underqualified the position that he was overqualified for. So when OP was introduced to the new hire, OP stared him straight in the eyes and said, "I quit." He then grabbed his belongings and stomped out of the place, not bothering to put in his two-week notice, which forfeited him two weeks' pay.

After the VP heard of the whole debacle, he was less than pleased. Scroll down to read what happened next. For more stories like this, here are some LinkedIn posts that earn an award in 'cringe.'

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