Friday, April 7, 2023

'The man was staring daggers': Big tipper tries to take back $100, so waitress humiliates him in front of his date

This big spender was so sure he pulled a fast one on his dinner date, until his waitress foiled his plan. 

What's the biggest tip you've ever given? For most of us, it might be a $20 bill on a day you're feeling extra generous and flush with cash. It always helps out servers to tip, since their base pay is not usually very high. And of course, since servers rely so heavily on tips, big tippers make their entire day! 

This waitress rode an emotional roller coaster as she served this couple their meal. As she shared in an incredible post to r/TalesFromYourServer, she was serving one couple who were politely spending big bucks on their meal, from ordering expensive wine to trying the priciest entree. But the date was a sham — when it came time for the check, the man racked up a $300 bill, and even added on a generous tip for the waitress! Unfortunately for her, he had a nasty change of heart. This server got him back before he could pull out of the parking lot, and probably spoiled any romantic mood for that couple. 

Then, this bride-to-be is caught between her fiancé and his intrusive step mother, who keeps insisting on changing their wedding plans

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