Saturday, April 8, 2023

'I suspect workers are sabotaging equipment just to meet the quota': Bizzare safety procedures at work cause cobra effect, corporate bit by malicious compliance

Malicious compliance is often used when the employees feel like they have no other choice than to obey the ridiculous rules management creates on the different whims they have. And boy does management have whims… they don't always necessarily make a lot of sense. In this case, industrial workers began to literally break safety equipment, and fix it, just to write a safety violation report. A new employee who was not informed of this was absolutely flabbergasted.

The same mantra had apparently been going around his office: keep your eyes open, and the violations will appear. In his own words, 'I was the last one to use this ladder the day before, and it was perfectly fine, which lead me to my conclusion that this man was purposely SABOTAGING company equipment just so he can fix it and then write a safety violation report. I feel like I'm in an episode of The Office'.

Scroll down to read the full detailed account of… well, hilarious events. For more stories like this, here is another employee who activated malicious compliance mode, costing the company $6,000.

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