Wednesday, March 8, 2023

'This should NEVER happen to a patient': Woman gets forgotten by hospital staff and walks out to a completely closed down doctor's office

The healthcare system in the U.S. has been a topic of controversy for decades. We pay out the wazoo in taxes for it, yet many of us don't even receive it. And then the ones who do, are either super rich and get top quality care, or not super rich and get subpar or horrible care. We don't blame the health workers! It is the system. But because of this horrible system, we've all, unfortunately, experienced a horrible doctor's visit situation. You know, that time you had an appointment made for 9am, but you didn't get seen until 11am, and you didn't end up leaving that appointment until 3pm? And then you STILL get a bill for $400 in the mail… Yeah, it's unfortunate, but we're all trying to make due with what we have. 

However, getting forgotten in the doctor's office and you come out of the patient's room after waiting for over an hour and all the lights are off and nobody is there… Well, that seems a little too far. A woman recently posted her doctor's appointment where she experienced just that. 

As a healthcare worker herself, she is completely appalled by what happened to her. A patient should never get forgotten—what if it had been an elderly patient or a patient unable to walk? However, even if it was a healthy patient there just for a check up, they should still not be forgotten. In a video now deleted, the woman says she does not look down on health care providers because of this situation, it seemed like a weird accident. Though she still is in the process of inquiring about it through the proper means. See the full story and video below:

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