Wednesday, March 8, 2023

'Her coworkers thought I'm not good enough': Boy buys ring, girl breaks up with boy because her coworkers don't like him, internet reacts

There are many red flags to watch out for in relationships, but your coworkers' opinions should not be at the top of the list. Unfortunately, however, that became the turning point for this relationship, and it doesn't even sound like the Redditor even met his long-term girlfriend's coworkers at the salon. They had simply overheard conversations and seen his picture and decided that the girlfriend was way out of his league. 


So what did the girlfriend do? Instead of attempting to squash the conversation or defend her relationship, she took it to heart and started telling the Redditor that her coworkers are planning for her to meet other men. What kind of crazy guilt-tripping manipulation is that? At a certain point, the original poster snapped and decided to go off the grid for a bit. What happened next was wildly unexpected. Keep scrolling below for the full saga and amusing updates. For more stories like this, here's one about a guy who accidentally invited his boss to a weekend getaway.

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