Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wholesome Children's ICU Nurse With a Hardcore Mohawk Draws New Designs in His Hair Everyday to Entertain His Kiddo Patients

Critical care units at the hospital can be a bleak place, but one post-punk ICU nurse has one way to keep everyone smiling: his elaborate mohawk. Some people were just born to bring color into the world and Zach is no exception, expressing himself every day at work with the mega-fin on his head and colorful bursting designs. At the beginning of the pandemic, Zach struggled to find ways to keep his own kids at home entertained so to pass the time (and have some fun_, he shaved his head into a 6" mohawk, glued it upwards into the classic fan-shape, and let his sons go nuts on it with stencils and paint. This crafty home project turned into something much more wholesome and meaningful when Zach started wearing his wacky hair designs to work. He found that he could entertain the kiddos in the ICU at his children's hospital, bringing laughter into every hospital room he walked into.


Every day Zach would walk in to check on his ailing patients sporting a new mohawk design, bringing smiles to everyone's faces with colorful drawings of whales, flowers, bears, sunsets, holiday themes, cartoons, and sports team logos. Zach has gotten infinitely more creative as time has gone on and even shocks his coworkers with new stencils and colors on a regular basis. Sometimes, a nurse like Zach is all you need when you're tired, sick, and healing in a hospital bed. 

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