Saturday, February 18, 2023

'I'm not really sure if that's a reasonable request to make': New vegan DND player demands the world be 'cruelty free,' dividing players

As the dungeon master of a longstanding Dungeons & Dragons campaign, this person isn't sure how to respond after receiving a startling request from a brand new player. Using a throwaway account, u/EmotionalMacaroon169 wrote to the r/DND subreddit asking for some advice. The internet doesn't always provide the nuance needed in these scenarios, but people in the comments seemingly understood both sides of the issue. 

Is this vegan player wrong for demanding a universe that suits her needs at the expense of the other players? The OP was totally unsure what to do. Many commenters suggested the OP tell the new player that she isn't the right fit for their campaign. She'd probably be much more comfortable in a group that aligns with her values. But even then, others noted that the whole purpose of the game involves imaginary violence so… how does she square that with her vegan beliefs? It's quite the conundrum. 

Let's hope the OP updates us — I bet they can find the vegan DND player a new campaign to try, while also salvaging their years-long campaign with their friends. Next up are these 20 terrible designs, from a tombstone-esqe advertisement to a bathroom shower that basically guarantees a trip to the ER. 

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