Friday, January 13, 2023

'She said they went down [to the pool] an hour ago, but couldn't get in': Entitled mom and kids demand to swim for literally mere seconds, just before pool closes

Going swimming at hotel pools is one of the best parts of vacation — and if you're a kid, it might even be the best part! Unfortunately, one mom and her kids found out the hard way that you can't just use all parts of the hotel any time you please. Pools usually aren't open 24/7 at most places. And as the OP shared in this post to r/TalesFromtheFrontDesk, at their hotel, people can only use the pool for an hour at a time, and it closes at 10 P.M. sharp, so that the OP can complete the rest of their front desk duties. I'm sure there are all kinds of Karens at hotels tormenting the workers, but this Karen had a pretty silly request that the hotel just couldn't comply with. 

Check out the story below, and in the comments, people shared some funny tales of other rule-bending managers and crazy hotel guests. Then you can metaphorically hop behind the counter of your favorite chain coffee shop for a peek into the lives of baristas (psst — they really hate making 'secret menu' drinks). 

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