Sunday, January 29, 2023

‘I Won’t Sign Your Weird Contract’ : College Student Dodges Unfair Grading via Malicious Compliance, Professor Left Speechless When She Can’t Fail Her

Study guides are basically the hail mary of every student, but there are professors who don't believe in this practicality — because they would rather encourage their students to read the entire material, adding to the sublime mountain of headache they already have. In my opinion, any professor who does this is simply lazy. Why don't the students just buy the books and not pay for classes? It would certainly be much cheaper. Thanks for adding to the small fortune I owe to the banks called student debt.

It turns out that this professor was one of those types of people. Moreover, she apparently handed out a 'grading contract' that no student had formerly agreed to when they joined her class. This contract asked the students to indicate what grade they wanted at the start of the semester, and if they did not meet the conditions for that grade, they would fail.

To be perfectly frank, I find this ludicrous. In a nutshell — if the students want an A, they either meet the qualifications for said A, or fail — even if they could have gotten a lesser grade and passed the class? It makes no sense. So one student in particular decided that she would not conform to these stupid rules, and via malicious compliance, passed the class without actually doing the final at all.

Scroll down to read her detailed account below. If you're procrastinating at your job and feel like you need some serotonin to make it to the end of the day, you're also welcome to check out these funny work memes.

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