Sunday, January 29, 2023

20+ People Share the Subtle Signs That Someone is an A-Hole

If someone is snapping their fingers at waitstaff, shouting down a customer service rep, or abusing a stranger—they're an a-hole—absolutely no question about it; by acting in this way, they have broadcast their character loud and clear to the rest of us. But not all a-holes are quite so blatant; some do an incredible job of disguising themselves as a well-meaning person—a wolf in sheep's clothing—if you will. These people can go undetected for long periods of time, only exposing themselves in small, subtle ways. 

These Redditors gathered on a thread posted to the popular r/AskReddit subreddit in order to share their thoughts on what these things might be. "What are [the] minor red flags that you use [to] see as a subtle but very indicative sign the other person is an a**hole?" the original poster, u/mountcoffee, posed. 

I—uhh, found that very wordy and hard to get out, so I'm rephrasing this question to: "What subtle red flags indicate that someone is an a**hole?"

Keep reading for this collection of responses, and feel free to share with us some thoughts of your own.

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For more, check out these red flags that people wish they didn't ignore. 

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