Wednesday, December 21, 2022

'Wow, That Was Forward' : Most Delusional People On Dating Apps This Week

If you are one of the many people who have been convinced by their friends to use a dating app, we feel for you. 'Download Tinder!' They said. 'It'll be fun!' They said. And here you are, months into denial, thinking you'll meet your soulmate with the next swipe, or at the very least, a good FWB. Then you're left perpetually wondering why you ever listened to them because their promises are empty. The algorithm is obviously against you (and me, and everyone else) but it's just so addictive, you can't seem to stop.


You are guaranteed an endless supply of super hot people (Has anyone seen a Tinder ad recently? Those people on the poster DON'T EXIST) but it's all LIES. It's like when you know something is bad for you, but you want it anyway. Forbidden fruit and all that. And don't even get me started on the constant ghosting or the crazies… or the FOMO. So let's scroll down to make ourselves feel better that we are not the only ones stuck catching piranhas in an imaginary sea of fish.


You can check out last week's dating app fails here.

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