Monday, December 19, 2022

Update! 'He said I couldn't have left at a worse time': Employee tries to reconnect with boss after quitting goes wrong

One person shared their experience reconnecting with an old boss after an emotional departure from the job. The OP shared to Reddit, asking if they were in the wrong with the interaction. This person describes how they worked for a company for six years, rising through the ranks and eventually even doubling their salary over years of hard work. But then they got an offer they couldn't refuse. It would more than double their salary! 

The OP quit with what they thought was an appropriate tone, and even had a plan in place for leaving. But their boss exploded upon hearing the news, accusing them of disloyalty to the company that made their career possible. 

However, OP decided that they still wanted to have this boss in their life, because he mentored them, and they didn't want to burn bridges. So they decided to meet up for a drink, and the OP ended up getting some much-needed explanations behind the bosses' strong reaction. 

Scroll below to read the story plus the update, then click here to see one man's tale of trying to pull a metal object off of a really large magnet - an MRI machine - and failing miserably. 

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