Saturday, December 17, 2022

'The most ridiculous flex of power I have ever seen': Boss accuses employee of using a 'fake name' because of common nickname, confiscates their shifts

Some people have an immense propensity to abuse petty amounts of power. If you put some people in charge of filling a cup of water, they would find a way to do so with absolute authority.

This manager got an incredibly petty bee in their bonnet about the shortened version of their own name that they prefer to use. They have taken to telling the employee that their name is "fake" and have even started penalizing the worker by confiscating shifts from them. The most insane part of this entire story is that they have even suggested the employee use a different shortened version of their name. So if shortened names aren't the issue here… what is the issue? This line of thought alone proves the fact that this manager just wants to abuse their power.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by Reddit user u/Fragg1eR0ck. They voiced their frustration with their manager's accusations and the entire situation they are facing. 

Keep scrolling to see screenshots of the post and reactions. For more, 

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