Wednesday, December 7, 2022

'Somebody emptied the used deep fryer oil into a plastic bucket': 40+ People who made the worst possible mistakes at their job

Everyone has their job and specialty, but no matter how skilled you are, you're always going to make mistakes. Thinking about it is humbling - every person you interact with has botched something at their job. But they haven't messed up quite as badly as these folks below! 

Reddit user u/Whomadethebed asked the question, "What's the worst mistake you've seen someone make at their job?" and people filled the comments section with hair-raising tales of the biggest oopsies they know of. Some are pretty drastic, like one person who cost a company literally a billion dollars, while others are smaller but still terrible, like an employee who printed 500 copies of her gas bill on her workplace's printer! Here at Fail Blog, we don't make any mitsakes ever - but keep scrolling to read about 40+ folks who spilled the tea on their coworkers (and themselves) for failing pretty hard on the job. 

After that, click here to read about these absurd Spotify playlists that will crack you up. 

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