Monday, December 12, 2022

'Revenge Is Best Served Cold' : Neighbor Get's What He Deserves After Repeatedly Destroying Siblings Snowman

Have you ever had one of those neighbors that just can't seem to mind their own business? The kind of person who would purposely try to ruin something that you worked hard at? If you're a kid, that might be a snowman. Remember how hard we all worked at those? In movies, it looks like the easiest thing in the world to create one of those little monstrosities, but in real life, that is far from the truth.


It takes a lot of effort. Your hands nearly freeze off by the time you're done with it. And who knew that carrots actually had to be bought, and didn't grow on trees? AND WHAT ABOUT THE BUTTONS? Why does nobody mention those?! Where are you supposed to get a bunch of big, obvious buttons for your snowman's fake coat? Let's assume you've somehow made it to the end, and the result is amazing. You look at your snowman and beam proudly.


And then… someone ruins it. Some people insist on being crappy human beings and there's nothing you can do about it… until of course, you are handed the perfect opportunity. Revenge is best served cold, as the old saying goes, and that certainly applies to this situation. While scouring r/pettyrevenge, we happened upon a perfectly petty post by u/XxFireflyxxX that at first brought back some good ol' memories, and ended with us (and a lot of Redditers) smiling. Scroll down to read about the inspiring way he and his sister handled their awful neighbor.


If you want to be further inspired by some petty revenge, click here.

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