Monday, December 12, 2022

20+ People share their tiniest but strongest-held opinions

Whenever this question floats around the r/AskReddit sub, it warms my heart: What is the smallest hill you're willing to die on? The question invites commenters to share their tiniest opinion that they hold very strongly. The answers are pretty lighthearted, and they're always hilarious! It's intriguing to see what bugs people - like one person who really hates the sound almonds make, or another who declared red delicious apples as "trash."

Others were pretty concerned about traffic issues. One person mentioned that at 4-way stops, you shouldn't be polite, but instead just go when it's your turn. If only every driver followed that rule, the roads would be in much better shape. 

Once you figure out your own "small hill opinion," read about this entitled woman who had an unsavory reasoning for wanting to dump her longterm partner. 

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