Thursday, November 10, 2022

'We're more than just coworkers, we're a family': 20+ Coworker memes for the days you just don't want to go to work

Ugh, it's just one of those days. You know the kind where you wake up, already frustrated. Maybe you had a work nightmare, or you slept on the wrong side of the bed… you open your eyes and everything sucks. You slowly pull yourself up, feeling lethargic, drag yourself to the kitchen, and make yourself the first cup of coffee of your day. Somehow, even that tastes wrong. You glance outside - It's raining, of course. Then your car doesn't start, or you miss your bus. Are you slowly getting the picture? Great, that's the point. You pull into work, step into the office, and nod politely at the familiar faces you either love or hate (perhaps there are a few that you feel indifferent about). 

Coworkers can either make or break your experience at work. Occasionally you're blessed with some really great work buddies, but some of us are not so lucky. But there are memes for both sides of the coin, and below you'll find a tiringly relatable list of em. So have at it, and enjoy!

P.S - For those who are in serious need of a vacation, feel free to check out these hilarious travel fails and memes. They may or may not save your mental health for about five minutes, but I can't promise anything.

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