Thursday, November 10, 2022

'Don't post that, you're just going to stir the pot': 20+ Relatable Memes and Fails that made me wonder if I'm being watched

Sometimes, you think it's just you, and then you come across a good corner of the Internet and are shocked to learn that you actually are not a crazy weirdo. Well, maybe you are, but could it be at all possible that all human beings are crazy weirdos? If there's one thing social media has taught me, it's that my quirks and eccentricities are actually not as unique as I thought. There's a blessing and a curse to that realization, of course. Everyone wants to be special, but every so often the realization that you're not can bring some comfort too. Some days, I like to think that my quirks and eccentricities are mine, and other days, I want to know that I'm normal and not a total alien. Depending on how you view the following relatable memes and fails, which were sourced from Reddit's r/me_irl subreddit, they might make you feel like less of an alien too. For more, check out these relatable coworker memes. 

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