Sunday, July 24, 2022

Insane Interviewer Insists on Interviewing Over Text, Offended By "Unprofessional Response"

If you're conducting an interview via text messaging and want to complain about something being unprofessional, oh boy, do you have a rude wake-up call ahead of you.

When u/Coconut_Groove posted their details to an online recruitment service, they were contacted by this hiring manager who was looking to recruit for a position. The position was offering to pay $9.95 an hour in Montana, which has a lower than $10 minimum wage.

u/Coconut_Groove knew they weren't going to be interested in the position for that rate but decided to have a look and see what happened anyways.

The interview was to be conducted over text message, which sounds absolutely absurd. Honestly, it's hard to say for certain if I have ever heard of that before. It just comes across as wildly unprofessional especially given the fact that they didn't even give u/Coconut_Groove the heads up that they were going to be commencing an interview first.

Maybe this hiring manager is just ahead of the times after all as one commenter responded:


"My company recently rolled out 'text to interview' for recruiters. It's wildly popular. I never thought it would work."

I can see where, in a legitimate organized interview, this might be helpful for both parties. It's extremely common for interviewers to just hire the most charismatic person who "Interviewed the best." which doesn't necessarily make them a good fit for the role. This way could allow people who don't present or communicate as well verbally to have a better chance of presenting their skills.

But I digress. Wherever the future might be headed... This interviewer needs to snap back to reality. 

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