Sunday, June 12, 2022

30 Times People's Clueless Bosses Tried to Solve Morale Issues with Punishment

Not all workplaces are created equal. For every chill boss and cool coworker there's what seems like a dozen insane managers who will do everything in their power to make you miserable in exchange for a questionably low sum of money. The deeply, painfully ironic question of "how can we raise morale without changing pay rates or work culture" is lost on the type of people who lack the part of their brain that sees their employees as anything but an eternally grateful font of labor. The type of people who will wonder out loud "why is everyone having trouble getting all their work done" and schedule a series of time-consuming meetings to get to the bottom of it. And god forbid you have a CEO who sits you down and tells you that money doesn't matter, and that they're personally upset that you would have the selfishness to ask for money in exchange for doing your job.

For a fun tale of workplace revenge, here's the employee who was fired and told to forget everything they knew about the job, just to have it blow up in their ex-boss's face.

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