Thursday, June 16, 2022

30 People Share The Dumbest Excuses Cheaters Gave Them

Cheating on your partner is an absolutely phenomenal way to make them lose trust in you. So if that's your goal, great job. It's pretty unlikely that "I did it because I missed you" is going to make them feel any better about it, so pack up your crap and leave.

Unless your excuse is "I had to do it to save the planet" and it's backed up with concrete evidence, receipts, and a hand written "thank you for saving the planet with your sex powers" note from the president, it's probably a bad reason. And that reason is not only likely to be a dumb excuse, but also another lie. Why believe someone again after they've already proven to you that they'll jump at the chance to hurt you?

Anyway, here are some of the dumbass lines of garbage that people were expected to believe after they got cheated on.

And here are some poor souls who forgave their cheating partner.

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