Wednesday, June 22, 2022

25 Blessed Images to Never Forget About Ever

Sometimes we feel like we lack a sense of control or direction in our lives. Some of us are better at living with the idea that life is chaos. Out of that chaos we can still wrangle some meaning and personal growth. But sometimes we need a push in the right direction. Blessed images are a constant reminder that even in the chaos, we can find order. Even when that order is just a cat that's extremely surprised to see a lemon.

When you can't sleep at night because you're reliving all of the times you've said "you too" when a waitress said "enjoy your meal" or because you accidentally called a guy at the store "dad," it makes sense to reset your brain with some wholesome moments or pictures of cats doing their best. Even when we don't think we have choices, we still do. And sometimes that choice is "I wanna see a dog dressed up like bubble tea."

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