Monday, May 16, 2022

Dad Kicks Escort Sister Out After She Glorifies Her Profession to His Teen Daughter, Posts Heartwarming Update

This concerned father felt the need to inform his sister that she was no longer welcome to stay in his home after he overheard her glorifying her job as an escort to his teenage daughter. His sister explained that she just wanted to share her experiences but spare his daughter from the darker side of things but he felt that the stories she told were going to leave his daughter with the wrong impression. The situation is especially delicate since his daughter's aunt is her primary female role model since her mother has tragically passed away. 

The father then returned with a heartwarming update, giving readers insight into how things had progressed since the original post. 

This thread was originally posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) with the title 'AITA for not letting my sister stay with us after how she explained her job to my 14 year old daughter?' The thread received a lot of feedback from readers who all suggested that the father, the author of the post, was not in the wrong for kicking his daughter out of the house.

"NTA," wrote Redditor Flaky_Tip, "Your daughter is at a vulnerable age, and your sister was telling her the kinds of things pimps and traffickers say to drag kids into a bad situation."

"I don't think your sister was being malicious but I do think she needs to be more careful about what she says to young girls about her (sic) chosen profession. Even if she doesn't want to admit it, sex work is dangerous."

Others noted how irresponsible the aunt was for framing her work in such a way for a young woman. 

Ultimately, users felt that the sister should be allowed back if she was willing to sit down and lay things out straight for her niece and let her know some of the less-glamourous aspects of sex work. 

That's essentially exactly what ended up happening. The father returned with an updated post to let readers know what the conclusion of the situation was.

Keep scrolling for screenshots of the two threads and Reddit's advice and reactions. The update thread and comments start on item #12.

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