Monday, April 4, 2022

History Memes To Bathe In The Wealth Of Knowledge

It always boggles our minds how long people have been putting up with this whole "existing" thing. It's exhausting, and we should all be grateful that there's always more people to tag us out and take our place in the long and arduous game of history. Also, luckily for us, people have written a good lot of it down, or at least the interesting parts. And with a great knowledge of human achievement comes sweet sweet history memes. Because we don't really have a lot going on. And if we want to expand our sphere of general progress, we're gonna have to compare ourselves to literal cavemen in order to feel good about ourselves for having refrigerators and running water. 

Anyway, if you're the kind of person who alienates strangers at parties because you can't stop talking about the Korean War, here are some more history memes for the ages. They won't make you more handsome or likeable, but they will at least give you a grander context to exist in.

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