Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Sketchy Choosing Beggar Offers Pay In Exposure, Gets Treated Like The Clown He Is

Things. We want them. The thing about things, as well as services, is that they take time, effort, skill and materials to produce. And in turn, those things cost money. Pretty much everyone agrees on this. Except for some potential employers. There's a type of person who thinks that, just by telling someone what to do, that in and of itself is an opportunity.

"Make me a thing," they say.

"Please give me money for that thing" is the reasonable response.

"How dare you suggest that you deserve money for that thing." they say back, like an idiot. "I'll give you some later. Also don't you have passion for this work? What's wrong with you?"

This kind of sentiment is often directed at potential employees or contractors, when in reality, it should only be said to holes in the ground before promptly being buried, where those words belong.

Here's a guy who demanded work be done in exchange for nothing other than "that work being done," and upon being challenged at this stupid offer, assured OP that they make fat stacks. Very cool, man.

For another person who didn't really understand what money is, here's the Karen who didn't understand why she couldn't buy a showpiece or why work costs money.

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