Tuesday, March 8, 2022

25 Blursed Images Of Concerning Hilarity

Blessed images and cursed images. They are basically opposites. One serves to create while the other is used to destroy. But like many opposing things, they make a unique and highly piquant pairing. It's like peanut butter and jelly. Or peanut butter and chocolate. Maybe in the case of blursed images, it's like using peanut butter to get gum out of your hair. Still weird, but there's kind of a point.

What makes something truly blursed? It's hard to tell. Maybe the fact that it's not 100 percent cursed or 100 percent blessed. It is a happy medium between freakishly terrifying and feel-good. It could still be cute, it could still be awful, but it as that extra little push into the absurd. Maybe it just reminds us of our mental state at any given time. Maybe we all lead blursed lives without even really thinking about it.

Anyway, here's a bunch of meat Jenga, pizza chihuahuas and floor chess. It's a good time.

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