Wednesday, March 23, 2022

People Who Later Ran Into The Person Who Rejected Them

It's generally accepted that when someone rejects you, cruelly or not, that the best thing to do is forget about them. Build your own life and live it honey, you don't need to brood over lost love and unreciprocated feelings. Your reality doesn't need to focus on the person who didn't want you in their life in the first place.

That said, the problem with physical reality is that the people who rejected you still exist, and they're out there. So it's not impossible to tell someone you like them, get told you look like a sock puppet but with less attractive eyes, and then run into them a year later when you're both at the store buying egg nog and jumper cables.

And what happens after that is really up to you and them. Will you try to avoid eye contact and pretend that they don't exist? Will you "accidentally" drop your wallet and reveal your pilot's license? Those options are available. Life is long and weird.

Here are some weird things people did on dates.

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