Thursday, March 10, 2022

Boss Won't Respect People's Time, Employee Cleverly Trains Her

Bosses, much like children, need to learn that their disrespectful behavior has actual consequences. In this case, this bartender had a boss who was notorious for letting potential employees just sit and wait for her to show up. Not understanding that this actually has an affect on people, Madame Henry The Late'th just kept disrespecting their time.

That's when this employee realized they could actually do something about their boss' incessant tardiness. Why not just tell her all the no-shows are just people who got frustrated and left? It's not like she's ever around early enough to know the difference. Amazingly, being treated the way she was treating people actually gave this lady some insight and she actually started changing her behavior.

You'd think this is something an adult would just need to be told, rather than shown through an elaborate ruse. But adults aren't that smart, and results are results.

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