Friday, February 4, 2022

Tumblr Gems To Chortle At With Merriment

Every corner of the internet has it's own very distinct type of weirdo. Honestly it's kinda like high school. There's a website for the jocks, the dorks, the preppy kids. Everything. And at its best Tumblr inhabits the space of "the kids who were willing to argue for three hours about if Batman and Scooby Doo are in the same universe." And to be fair, that was a lot of us.

There are people who will literally spend 8 hours researching and explaining away plot holes in Ratatouille completely oblivious to the fact that maybe we don't need to be overly critical of an animated movie where a Rat is a chef. But man, the deliberation is compelling. That along with extremely weird and specific stories, stupid facts and dumb drama are what make Tumblr the big giant waste of time that it is.

Could people be spending their time more wisely? Like learning a skill or spending time with people in real life? Probably, yeah. But they still don't. It is what it is. And here are some random and ridiculous tumblr gems to fight the clawing boredom.

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