Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Red Flag Moments When People Realized They Had A Bad Therapist

More people than ever are seeing therapists. Some would say it's because "this generation is weak," but take a long look at the folks who say that and there's a pretty terrific chance that they're the kind of person who could benefit from seeing someone themselves. People complain about change, even when it's for the better. Seriously, "this generation sucks" is what Socrates said about his students who thought the concept of writing was a good idea. Good thing someone wrote that down.

In general, society has accepted that mental health is A) a thing and B) should be taken seriously. Given the fact that rates of anxiety and depression have risen by a quarter globally in recent years, it sort of makes sense that more people have been seeking professionals to talk to about their issues. And the vast majority of mental health professionals are competent people who do their jobs.

That said, some therapists are absolutely bonkers. There are mental health professionals who will refuse to listen to their patients and give terrible advice. There are people with doctorates who will, in a beautiful twist of irony, tell someone with severe depression to quit being a huge bummer. It's a big world out there.

Like any profession, there are people who just squeak through. Statistically speaking, there are tons of "qualified" mental health professionals who skated through on C's. And sometimes, people's personalities simply clash. It's not like anyone should expect to instantly connect perfectly with a therapist, but it's also true that you probably won't make much progress speaking to someone you actively hate the sight of.

So here are people who had a moment with their therapist who thought "man, maybe I should get a new one of these". For a nice mental health thread that isn't a replacement for actual therapy but is still at least cathartic, here's a man's vulnerable twitter thread about his struggles with mental health.

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