Saturday, February 5, 2022

Insane-Entitled Boss Asks Employee to Come Into Work During Vacation Because They Are "Short-Staffed"

"But we're SO short-staffed!"

Nothing like getting that dreaded phone call on your day off asking if you can come in to help out due to your employer's lack of proper planning and permanent refusal to roster enough people to cover. Those are the major aspects of retail and hospitality that you're glad to get away from.

Getting that text/phone call during your vacation is a whole new level of which I have never heard. Pretty bold move by this manager, especially given her response when she was contacted on her vacation. 

Nonetheless, that's exactly what happened to u/Impossible-Head2121 at their job. This entitled boss expected them to show up regardless of the fact that they were on vacation. Who would have thought that this could ever be behavior that an employer would even consider?

Of course, the comments are quick to take u/Impossible-Head2121's side and offer them their support.

For more horrible bosses check out this guy who quit on the spot when he was asked "do you know my name" by the owner's son.

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