Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Manager Stands Up For His Employees, Protects Them From Corporate Poppycock, Gets Fired

u/Durncha posted this story about his experience with a bad employer this week on r/antiwork. 

u/Durncha is a true leader. A true leader stands up for their team. They protect those under them from the baloney of the big boys upstairs. 


In an effective organization, they'll act as a translator, a conduit that helps pass information in both directions. And, when pressure pushes downwards, they won't pass it on or let you-know-what flow downwards. They'll act as a barrier and interpret communication to their team in the most effective way. Then, when something needs to be communicated upwards, the same principle applies. 


In an ineffective organization, this doesn't happen. Communication flows in one direction and pressure continues pushing down harder and harder on the manager until they either cave and become a "yes man" (-doing whatever they're asked without question). That or they take a stand for their team one too many times and get fired for it.


The second option of the second scenario applies in u/Durncha's story. Unfortunately, u/Durncha was pushed out for standing up for their employees one too many times. There's no way their boss just happened to be looking at the store's clock in sheets at that exact moment. The coincidence is too great. They were looking for a reason... no, they had been instructed by their boss to find a reason to fire u/Durncha. 


This just happened to be that reason. 

Kudos to u/Durncha for doing the hard yards of standing up for their team. We need more actual leaders like this in the world.

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