Saturday, December 4, 2021

Couple Arguing Over What "Killer Clown Book" Girlfriend is Confusing with ‘It’ Has Their World Rocked When the Author of That Book Turns Up and Solves the Mystery

It's always crazy when some massive coincidence like this happens on the internet. What are the chances that two things like this will conjunct amidst the millions, if not billions, of comings and goings on the internet. 

As the author describes further down in their comments; The worlds of specific niche fandoms is smaller than we might expect. Regardless, it's still crazy when something like this occurs.

There's nothing worse than when you have something burning in your mind that you can't quite put together. You've forgotten the name of that thing and that thing is just out of reach in the depths of your memory somewhere. As much as you try to stretch and stretch your brain you just can't get that bubble to pop and it becomes this annoying feeling that you just might not ever recover whatever that thing was from the recesses of your mind.

Great that the author of the fanfic they were referring too just happened to be hanging around on this particular subreddit! We love when authors and other artists turn up at random spots on the internet. Like when THE Neil Gaiman turned up to weigh in on Coraline Being Too Scary.

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