Saturday, September 4, 2021

Things That Are Actually Sort of Worth The Money

Don't you get us wrong, we are some of the cheapest bastards out there. We wear our underwear until it looks like the dead sea scrolls. We only buy name-brand cereal when we're trying to impress a date, and the last time we went on any meaningful vacation was "hahaha get the f*ck outta here with that nonsense." So avoid these horrible but common financial choices and these bad products that still sell like hotcakes. With that said, it's remarkable how much better things like shoes and mattresses are when you don't buy the most abysmally cheap ones around, and you can actually end up saving money buying things that last while also being significantly less miserable the whole time. Now let's get down to brass tacks. Wanna watch us eat a bug for a dollar?

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