Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Engineer Trashes Own Manager And Team, Gets To Do Presentation

People that spread gossip about other people are the worst. They're pretty much just out there churning up toxic vibes, distrust, and animosity in an otherwise peaceful and friendly environment. Chad, our main character in this tale of pro revenge learns the value in not speaking poorly of others behind their backs. Especially when the other folks you're trash talking are your manager and team. We just would've loved to have seen the look of embarrassment and shame that must've danced across Chad's face when he was forced to discredit himself in front of the rest of the company. 

Check out some more juicy pro revenge drama with this pro revenge tale about a Christmas Ornaments Robin Hood


Text - r/ProRevenge u/raptorbluez • 16h + Join 1 3 2 8 1 Trash your own manager and department? You get to do a presentation! True story, names changed, years ago, yadda, yadda, yadda. Chad was an engineer with a planning and support department for a portion of his company's infrastructure that impacted virtually every other part of the company.


Text - Unfortunately Chad was a real asshole. During less than a year with the company, he had thoroughly trashed everyone in his department to anyone who would listen. He talked about their incompetence, their screw-ups (which were generally minor), and most importantly their failure to properly support the very mission critical infrastructure they were responsible for. Every hiccough that occurred, however minor, was used as ammunition. What Chad told everyone who would listen eventually made


Text - Chad's manager and director was Tim, a pretty crappy manager by most measures. He paid about 40% less that the industry average and had a staff of "B" and "C" players because of it, but he nevertheless expected absolute dedication from that staff. If he could have had them wash his car and pick up his dry cleaning those things would have been added to their job descriptions. Tim was also pretty poor when it came to understanding what his own staff did and routinely made things up about th


Text - Despite his shortcomings as a manager, the one place Tim excelled was corporate politics. He was able to consistently come through failures without a scratch when those failures would have sidelined anyone else. Tim would deftly play opponents off one another, then stand back and watch the fireworks. He had been at it for years and seemed to have a Teflon coating. Crap that stuck to everyone around him would slide right off. Tim, of course, knew exactly what Chad had been saying. Eventual


Text - The meeting rolled around and Chad was forced to stand up in front of a large group of company directors and managers and formally defend his own manager and department. Everyone at the meeting knew they were only there because of what Chad had been saying, and they sat back and watched him tear himself apart and prove the things he, himself had been telling everyone were flat out lies. Of course Tim and his department came through completely unscathed, but Chad was thoroughly discredited


Text - TL:DR – Chad was a engineer who trashed everyone around him, including his own department manager. That manager was a master at corporate politics and required Chad to formally defend him and his department in a director's meeting that was only called because of what Chad had been saying. Chad stood up at the meeting and essentially had to prove that everything he had said about his own department was a lie, completely discrediting himself throughout the company and forcing his departure

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