Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Dude's Nephew Starts A Housefire for TikTok, Wants Whole Family Out

On the one hand, it's nice to live in your own peaceful home without the risk of further fires. On the other hand, how much sympathy is the right amount to extend in order to keep your extended family off the streets? It's a bit of a rough one. Those kooky kids learn all sorts on the Tik Toks, like this dad who found out his daughter who filed her teeth for TikTok.


Text - Posted by u/aitathrowawayfire 17 hours ago 2 11 24 S 4 12 AITA for asking my brother's entire family to move out because my nephew set my bathroom on fire for a tiktok? My (32F) brother (43M), his wife (40?F), and their two kids (9F and 15M) have been staying with me for a little over two weeks now because they lost their jobs due to coronavirus and were evicted. Four people is obviously a large addition, but I didn't want them to be homeless and they assured me it'd be a temporary stay.


Text - Two days ago, my nephew set my bathroom on fire for a tiktok. From what he told me after, there's some kind of trend where you draw a shape on your mirror with hairspray and then you light it on fire, and it's supposed to go out on it's own without any damage. Well, his fire spread onto a nearby stack of towels and got out of control. We all had to evacuate, but luckily I live relatively close to a firestation so the damage wasn't that bad. My guest bathroom is scorched and will need repa


Text - I think that my brother and SIL had to have been wildly negligible to allow this to happen, especially considering the lighter he used was my brother's, meaning he must have taken it from him at some point. I'm asking them to leave within the next week because I don't want to risk something of this nature happening again. They've apologized and asked me to reconsider because it was an accident, no one was hurt in the end, they'd be homeless if I kicked them out now, and to think of my nie


Text - lainmelle Partassipant [3] 17 hours ago 2 3 2 6 NTA. He lit your house on fire for an internet trend. He's lucky he didn't kill someone. Sounds like someone dangerous to have in the house.


Text - FunkyOrangePenguin Asshole Enthusiast [5] 17 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago 3 "I no longer feel safe living with them." NTA. That's the only reason you ever need. This isn't a candle that got out of hand situation - insurance doesn't cover intentional* dumbassery. It wasn't an accident and he could've killed someone. For a TikTok.


Text - dreamsuggestor Partassipant [2] 17 hours ago O INFO Do you think the kid learned their lesson and won't do it again? & 26 More Do you think they will do something stupid again? These are the questions you should be asking yourself, not strangers on the internet. If the answer is no, he didn't learn, kick them out. If the answer is yes, I don't think he will screw up again, let them stay. Also, do you really think its 'wildly negligible' to have your 15 year old leave your sight for the 45


Text - LFOSighting 14 hours ago & 2 Honestly amazed that everyone is saying NTA here. 92 YTA unless the parents did absolutely nothing to discipline their child after this. 15 y/os are dumb that is pure and simple. Him doing some stupid shit for a tiktok trend is not grounds for you to kick a family of 4 out onto the street with a week to sort out their affairs.


Text - Plantmom-wineaunt 17 hours ago NTA-yeah the fact you aren't going to charge them for damages is incredibly nice of you. I get they lost their place and that sucks. But if they feel it's ok to set fires for a video then they'll do other stupid shit too.


Text - swsvt Partassipant [3] 17 hours ago NTA. 15 is old enough to know better. We all did stupid crap at 15, but out of us didn't almost burn a house down. They are lucky you aren't making them cover your insurance deductible or pay for the repairs. Also, they are huge AHs for trying to use their daughter to guilt you. Maybe offer to let dad or mom and daughter stay if they're that desperate. The other parent and son can go stay with someone else. Its easier to house 2 people than 4.


Text - Kiianamariie 13 hours ago I'm honestly shocked at all these responses... I would say YTA. This is certainly an extreme circumstance, but he's a fifteen year old and that's prime age for making stupid mistakes. Not to mention he's a fifteen year old in a pandemic, who lost his home, whose parents dont have jobs, and it's easy to forget the mental toll that is likely taking on him. What he did was stupid and dangerous, but he may have been following a trend as a way of connecting with other


Text - haven't taught their son about ramifications for stunts like this, but honestly, it sounds like your family is under a lot of unreasonable and unfair stress right now and that it was the last thing on their mind to police their son's lighter and TikTok use. Unless you have other reasons for not feeling safe with their son, YTA here. He did something stupid, but this type of stunt would not happen again from any poor, reasonable 15 year old boy who knows that a stupid mistake would literal


Text - -CherryByte- 11 hours ago YTA. Holy shit, everyone! It was an accident. The kid was told that the hairspray would go out, no damage. 15 is still young enough to think stupid shit like that. I'd imagine he's pretty embarrassed right now. Either way, you shouldn't kick out a whole family onto the street in the middle of a pandemic because a 15 year old made a mistake. His parents saying “it was an accident" is also because they're probably embarrassed as all hell too. As long as your nephew


Text - no_good_namez Professor Emeritass [70] 17 hours ago Wow that sucks all around. Nephew is an idiot, but it's outrageous to assume the parents were negligent, teenagers get up to far worse on their own. Of course the fire could have been much worse, but these are heavy consequences for him to bear. No judgment, just hope that things improve for all of you and that someone else is willing to take in this family if you no longer can.

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