Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Winter Life Pro Tips To Glide Through The Season

Someone on AskReddit got a helpful, informative AskReddit thread going about various winter life pro tips that can help any of us weather the next round of wintery days with grace and as little stress as possible. Just look at this collection of helpful factoids as your own guide to avoid unwanted fails. 


Text - NAbberman • 5h Keep a prepared kit in the back of your vehicle. Hell, keep it in it at all times. All are useful for every season, but when you add winter to the equation things get deadly. Should include this as a bare minimum: -Blanket -Jumper Cables -Light amount of dry food with some water -Flashlight -Something reflective -First Aid kit -Single use Handwarmers -Spare Clothes


Text - RodeoBob • 5h Drink more water! In the summer, you don't need to be reminded to drink water and hydrate. But in the winter? You're wearing layers to wick sweat away from your body, the humidity in the air gets really low, and you're not feeling hot, so you don't always remember to drink enough water. Drink more water; kidney stones are no fun!


Text - WallabyJones509 • 6h You may think those hand warmers are uselesS, but trust me there's situations where you'll really wish you had them. Always keep a pack on you.


Text - JessyLeigh2796• 5h Lip balm and hand cream!!


Text - Lost_Gypsy_ • 5h Put the window insulation kits on. You lose up to 55% of your homes heat through windows. This will drastically help your electric bill and minimize the draft. My wife is working on it today actually, and I will finish when I get home.


Text - ItCameOutOfACan • 6h Nylon base layers are by far the warmest but so hard to find now.


Text - moderate_extremist • 5h When you're really cold and shivering a bit, you'll find your shoulders are tensed up and elevated. Relax your shoulders and bring them down to your sides. It's weird, but it makes you stop shivering and feel much warmer.


Text - InannasPocket• 5h Layers are your friend, but cotton sucks because it doesn't keep it's insulation value when wet/ damp. Wool, silk, and some synthetics will still keep you warm even if they get wet.


Text - caddywhompus12 • 4h If you live in a place with snow, make extra sure to wear sunscreen on sunny days, as the snow can reflect it even more than usual/ without snow.


Text - HiddenLayer5 • 2h Drinking alcohol does not warm you up. You actually lose heat a lot faster with booze in your system.


Text - defnotmartha • 3h Keep a set of ice spikes in your purse/backpack/ etc. I live in Ottawa and we get a lot of freezing rain and ice. I have a little pocket in my purse where I keep set of spikes, and while I usually only use them 2-3 times a year, it really saves me, and let me walk places with reasonable confidence at a time when other people are all falling down. Falling might seem kinda funny, but ice is really hard and you can seriously hurt yourself from a fall on the ice. I also keep


Text - GeraldFord210 • 2h When walking on icy surfaces, think like a penguin. There is a reason penguins walk how they do; it keeps them stable on the slippery surfaces they are accustomed to walking on. Take short steps. Keep your arms out to your sides for balance. And it is counter-intuitive, but lean slightly forward while you are walking. This will help you keep a good center of balance and reduce the likelihood of slipping and falling.


Text - Dawashingtonian • 5h the air in winter is really really dry. both inside and outside. just because there's snow doesn't mean it's humid. also with heaters running now the air inside is dry too. this is why people get chapped lips and stuff in the winter. drink lots of water, always have chapstick.


Text - the-magnificunt• 4h Hang your bath towel above/below/near (but not on) the heating vent in the bathroom for a toasty warm towel straight out of the shower.




Text - DomMaserati13 • 5h Keep a cheap sheet or tarp on top of your car overnight, if it snows you can immediately just pull the snow off in the morning super easy as opposed to spending 20 minutes brushing it all off and ending up looking like Tony Montana after a night out


Text - _frisco • 4h Get a "sunrise" alarm clock, AKA an alarm with a light that gradually brightens before the alarm goes off - it makes it a little easier to get up in the pitch darkness of winter without wanting to throw up


Text - derpado514 • 4h Become a regular at a good Pho place... Pho is like pure goodness and you get some rare beef too...can't go wrong.


Text - avorrh • 4h Go outside in shorts and tshirt every so often. Take cold showers, or at least end your shower with some cold water. Cold weather acclimatization is a thing, trade a little bit of suffering now in return for a lot less suffering later.


Text - Ande64 • 4h Sun. No matter how freaking cold it is get sun. Sit by a window ten minutes a day, even if it's cloudy. Amazing antidepressant.

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