Saturday, November 14, 2020

Patient Doesn't Realize MRI Technician Can Hear Them

All kinds of cringeworthy and unfortunate events seem to happen in the air-conditioned confines of the local doctor's office. Sometimes, that means a patient not realizing that they're actually mic'd up, and the MRI technician on duty can hear every last fart that they're letting loose. An unfortunate, yet humbling (?) experience for any human being to go through. 


Text - r/tifu + Join u/markedforpie • 6d 2 S 1 1 Tifu by not realizing that the MRI technician could hear me. M Tifu by not realizing that the technician could hear me. Back in February my arm started hurting so I went to the doctor and he told me to rest it. It still hasn't healed so he scheduled me for an MRI today. I arrived and got all set up and the tech told me she was training a new girl. They asked me to lay down Superman style and then strapped down my arm. It really hurt but I figured


Text - That's when I realized that the headphones were just a little too tight and the music just a little too quiet. You know how when you can make out what the song is but not quite make out the words. I also realized that I was becoming claustrophobic. So l'm living through my own small slice of hell when the song ends and then the same song starts playing again. And again and again. Blondie heart of glass on infinite repeat for 45 minutes.


Text - Now I didn't realize that they could hear me in the other room and when I get nervous and uncomfortable I tend to fart. Not silent, but loud ripping sounds like I need to change my pants earth shakers. I'm nervous, I'm in pain and l'm being tortured by not quite loud enough music and the loud thrumming of the machine. After a while I started making up words to the music about how gassy and uncomfortable I was. Occasionally, the technician would speak to me through the headphones and tell


Text - the machine and that they can't hear the music but next time let someone know. That's when I realize l've been ripping ass for the last 30 minutes and they could hear EVERYTHING! I've never been so mortified in my life. TI:dr: I suffered through auto and physical torture while ripping ass for 45 minutes and singing about it because I was too stupid to realize there is a microphone in the MRI machine. 720 73 1 Share

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