Thursday, October 1, 2020

Coworker Snitches On Employee For Being Late, Petty Revenge Ensues

Man oh man, it sounds like this coworker was a whole lot of extra. The dude was late, as some human beings are prone to be on occasion, and the coworker made a whole deal out of it at 7:10 AM on a Saturday morning, Sounds like the boss was having none of it as well. At least the petty revenge was satisfying! If you enjoyed this quick petty revenge story, check out another tale of pro revenge with the time a county mower messed with a dad's shrubs, and proceeded to lose to rebar.


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/fixerofthings • 2y + Join You say you only called the boss out of concern for my well being? Well being that you called him, I had to follow suit. A few weeks ago, my coworker (CW) was negating some minor protocols which left some equipment down overnight. He also didn't send emails to some of our remote teams regarding downed equipment. So, I did him a solid (or so I thought) and sent him and only him an email telling him what he did wrong. The very next night, he did it


Text - The very next day, I failed to charge my phone and woke up to realize that my phone was dead and I was late for work so I got dressed and boogied my sorry ass to work, which was only a 5 minute walk for me. I apologized for being 50 minutes late and he seemed cool about it...until I found out that he called the boss after only 25 minutes, something no one on our team had ever done in my years of working here, claiming he was just concerned for my "well being". Even my boss told him to jus


Text - My boss even told me afterwards that it was no big deal and couldn't imagine why CW would call him, at 7:10 in the morining, on a Saturday, when there was literally nothing he could do about it. Then he asked me about a piece of equipment that got left down for 6 +hours so I had to come clean. I told him that I sent coworker an email about it and then it happened again the next day. He asked me to forward the emails to him so he could address them with CW. He also asked me not to "shield"


Text - So now, everytime I catch a mistake CW makes, which is far more often than I thought, I forward the information directly to the boss so he can see first hand all the mistakes CW makes. I haven't talked to CW much since the incident. I am curious about his well being though. EDIT: I just want to add that the first email I sent him was very diplomatic and non-confrontational but the second one had more of a "dude, get your shit together" kinda feel to it. We have protocols in place that pre

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